Jonathan Potts

Co-Founder & Head of Software Engineering Recruitment

My name is Jonny, and when I'm not immersed in recruitment, I cherish making memories with my lovely wife and our three children. Whether we're enjoying the tranquility of our family farm, embarking on exciting adventures, or simply relaxing on holiday, every moment together is precious.

I specialise in Software Engineering recruitment within the Java and .NET domains. I have dedicated myself to this field for the past six years and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Working in recruitment means embracing the unpredictability of each day and continually gaining insights on the job. A former director once said that you learn the nuances of recruitment about ten times throughout your career, and I have wholeheartedly adopted this philosophy.

My passion for recruitment stems from my genuine pleasure in assisting individuals to realise their full potential. While some may view recruitment as merely sending out CVs and hoping for the best, I see it as something much deeper. To me, recruitment is about forging connections between individuals and positions that align perfectly with their passions, personalities, and skill sets. It's about transforming a job into a dream opportunity for them. This, to me, encapsulates the essence of recruitment.

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